Legal Disclaimer
Belief is power. Know your truth.
As with all websites and services of this nature I am obliged by law to inform you that all services and products offered on this site are for entertainment purposes only. By purchasing from this website, you understand that Hawthorne Witch is not responsible for any outcomes or results.
Any decision you make to follow our advice is entirely your own. Any goods, services or objects received in the course of a consultation, working or purchased from the shop are sold as curios only. We accept no liability for the use or misuse of any item purchased from this website.
We provide a spiritual service and results are not guaranteed
All Content on this site and the gift shop belong to Elizabeth Spier, and may be used under the name of Ael Hawthorne, The Hawthorne Witch, or Hawthorne Hedge respectively. Use of images and text are prohibited without the written permission of Elizabeth Spier. No reproductions, reprints, for profit, or copy of image, text, spells, recipes, crafts, etc.
I (Elizabeth Spier) do not allow use of any artwork or images on this website or any page of Hawthorne Hedge without permission. No reproduction, copy, selling, profit making, advertising, etc allowed. Do not use artwork, crafts, prints, merchandise as an advertisement for any festival, event, or show unless Elizabeth is in the event and has provided explicit, written permission.
I (Elizabeth Spier) do not guarantee the outcome of any ritual, prayer, mojo, charms, blessing, spell, cleansing, etc or with the use of products supplied or sold by Elizabeth Spier, Ael Hawthorne, or Hawthorne Hedge. Products and instructions/ information are only an aid in personal spiritual work. Products are sold for educational, spiritual, magickal / magical, ritual use, decorations, and I DO NOT guarantee any effective outcome for legal, financial, health, love or any other ritual or magickal advice. Any information provided concerning plants and essential oils, is for academic purposes only and not intended to be used medicinally.
Elizabeth Spier, The Hawthorne Witch, Ael Hawthorne, hawthornewitch.com, facebook.com/hawthornehedge, holds no liability and shall not be held responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from the use of products purchased from this shop or any of our shops / venues. Purchasing products signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Elizabeth Spier, The Hawthorne Witch, Ael Hawthorne, hawthornewitch.com, facebook.com/hawthornehedge and all of the aforementioned venues and affiliates from all liability.
FDA Disclaimer: The information, advice, statements, and testimonials made about the oils, herb blends, and products mentioned on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information on this site and the products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, nor are they intended to replace proper medical care. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any regimen with essential oils, bath salts, beauty products, etc. User submitted testimonials are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results.
By making a purchase, you (the purchaser) agree not to hold Elizabeth Spier, Ael Hawthorne, The Hawthorne Witch, or Hawthorne Hedge respectively for damages or issues arising from the improper or neglectful use, consumption of or burning of our products, including candles, charcoal, oils, herbs, woods, spices, resin, ritual tools, and anything that comes in contact with the skin, like soaps, lotions, salves, herbal soaks & salts, sprays & spritz, etc. This applies to all damages without limitations. I disclaim any and all liability if the user consumes, prescribes, re-sells and/or gift to others, or uses any oils or herbal remedies internally or topically, without the proper advice of a healthcare professional, personal knowledge or suitable training.
All products and readings are legal and allowed to be sold and purchased. Please be 18 + years of age to purchase a Tarot reading. I (Elizabeth Spier and Hawthorn Hedge) am not responsible for packages or items once shipped. The buyer is responsible for all once package leaves and is sent / shipped.