It’s been nearly twelve years since I last built a sacred space online, and even longer since I regularly updated a blog within that space. I have small memories of the people I met, the opinions I held, and the goals I had imagined for myself and my writing, but I scarcely recognize the person I was at that time. I will never be her again, and I’m pleased with that thought.
Most importantly, the function of this space has changed. For many years, the internet was a beautiful, open, and liminal space for me to explore, build personas in, and collaborate with others from around the globe without ever compromising the personality I displayed publicly. Now, the space offers the same comfort, but my willingness to give and receive vulnerability has shifted. Without offering vulnerability, I cannot continue to grow my authentic self or the knowledge that comes from this process.
Today, vulnerability means more to me than sharing truths about myself, my past, and my traumas. Instead, it is allowing myself to grow in a public space. To apologize when I am wrong. To ask questions. To seek information, collaboration, and to occasionally be rejected in these endeavors. It is the ability to fail. To ask forgiveness. It is being accountable for my actions and words. It is showing up, when I am afraid.
Thank you for being on this journey with me.